This year was kinda bad for me. i had a lot of bad luck and i will still probably have bad luck for the rest of my life Dx
Ive been through a lot in my Sophomore year. I made tons of new friends, and a bunch of new changes came to my life.
Ive also incounter so many new faces. they are not good faces but they are new faces. I think i gotten more and more lazy cuz i dont feel like doing anything most of the time.
So much stuff happened in my sophomore year like :
Im learning piano now
I make stuff out of everything like money, duct tape, balloons, and rubber bands.
I do more stuff with my friends than alone.
and I am a bit more mean and angry most of the time >:D
I practically dont remember who i was last year. i think to myself- why was i like that and later on in the future im going to say the exact same thing about this year.
Im not sure if i will stay at heights, im still arguing with my parents to let me stay at heights or move and still let me go to heights.
i love heights cuz most of my friends are here and i dont want to go to a whole new school, with completely different people.