Wait WAIT !! thats not about bananas !-Kenny
But, But there is a banana dancing to it !-SaBrina

Lets see here, I'm probably the only one that talked about a banana or a fruit. YAY ME !!!
Hehe Well I didn't know what to talk about so I decided to talk about bananas !
Bananas are shaped oddly and they grow in groups, how weird. Why are they eaten by monkeys ?
When I see a banana, I think about Marissa and her Banana Boat ! Kekekeke
Maybe i should talk about other fruits too because i cant seem to find anymore info on bananas in my perspective. Why are cherries soo small ? Like a cherry is half fruit, Half seed. I mean like I put one in my mouth and out comes a huge seed. Ohh there are apples too. Apples are colorful, thats all i can say. hehe
Grapes, i love grapes. They are so delicious. Do u ever wonder how some grapes are seeded or seedless ? I wonder..... hmmmmmmmmm........
"because they inject them with steroids"-SaBrina
Lets see some other fruits,..... hmmm....
Pomegranates...... why is it so big and expensive ? They have so many seeds in them even tho ur suppose to suck the juice out of the seed but still...... you can make like 500 Pomegranate trees with just one pomegranate haha.
Well im Done for now.... i will probably do this again but with vegatables.
Banana Penis !